Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

15 weeks

I accidentally got really behind in my posting so 15 weeks seems like a long time ago! Let's see what I can remember...

I am still really emotional. I wouldn't say that I have roller coaster emotions but I cry easily out of frustration or anything sentimental. And talk about the road rage... jeez.

SOMEHOW Steve's car (which I have been driving because mine is on strike) developed a completely HORRIBLE sour milk smell. I cleaned out the car one weekend so I could go pick up a friend of mine and her two kids and all of the gear we would need for a freezer cooking day at another friend's house. So the car was completely empty. The next day I went to the grocery store and bought milk. The day after that, the smell started. And holy cow, it's awful. I sniffed all around that stupid car, including the EXACT place I had set the milk, but the smell didn't get any bettor or worse depending on where I sniffed. I checked the milk jug that I bought and it was perfectly dry with no leaks. We're still totally puzzled about it and the smell is still lingering, though MUCH more subtle now. I had started having to go out and start the car and roll the windows down about 10 minutes before I wanted to drive it, just to prevent the gagging. How awful.

Speaking of gagging, I still do. Morning sickness continues to elude me most days (hooray!) and I throw up about once a week.

We had another ultrasound this week! My friend Aslan works for a volunteer pregnancy center and when business gets slow they look for "models" to do ultrasounds on because it helps keep their funding, etc. up. I didn't have to think twice about a free, local peek at our baby!

The center has volunteers who are minimally trained in ultrasound and are able to tell three things: that you are pregnant, how far along you are, and that there is a heartbeat. Baby's heartbeat was in the 150's! We got a nice, long look at many parts of the body and Jordan got to be there, which was really fun for him. Our baby is a  mover and a shaker, that is for sure! At one point the tech had the want on my stomach and she wasn't moving it at all. Baby was flipping and turning all over the place! We saw a couple of good kicks, some waving and lots of head movement.

Because they are only trained to tell the three things I mentioned above, they cannot make any kind of guess or assumption regarding gender. I did ask the tech to take a peek though and we have an idea of what we think baby might be. :) The big announcement will come on April 13th - check Facebook!

Here are a couple of pictures of our adorable little Dash.

(The word on the left says "hand" and the words on the right say "face profile")

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