Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

28 weeks

At the very beginning of week 28 we were nearly in a car accident (some guy left room for a truck to pull out of a parking lot but the truck apparently didn't deem it necessary to be able to SEE before he turned left across two lanes of traffic, nearly running into us head on). I was driving and had to SLAM on the brakes to avoid hitting the guy. Jordan yelled from the back seat, "HEY! You need to watch where you're going! There is a PREGNANT LADY in this car!!" The crazy adrenaline rush and sudden braking caused my stomach to tighten up and be very sore and uncomfortable for about a day and a half afterwards.

I've started making MUCH more frequent bathroom trips. No more of this two or three times a day at work business! I switched my water bottle from a jug with a straw (causing me to "sip" water all day but not DRINK enough) to a Nalgene bottle with an open top. This has really been helping and I can usually get my two liters down by evening (though I still have to try).

It's been a couple of weeks since I was able to comfortably put on a pair of socks and I can no longer cross my legs while sitting, unless I'm leaning back (like on a couch). Baby also does not like it when I cross my legs and enjoys sticking her foot under my right ribs (super comfortable).

This week I was much more tired and could feel my belly going through a bit of a growth spurt because it was extremely tight and itchy. I wore a support belt to work every day this week and that helped me be less exhausted by mid-morning. One problem I'm having at work is mid-back pain. I think it has to do with the setup of my desk but it has become quite uncomfortable. (I am literally counting down the days I have left at work.)

I continue to crave milk! I also eat a TON of cheese and have been eating ice cream (new favorite: Starbucks Caramel Mochiato) almost every day. The cheese is excellent in the mornings at giving me a little boost of protein. I've been trying to eat peanut butter (often on an English muffin), yogurt (often Greek) and cheese for breakfast almost every day. I notice a huge difference in the way I feel if I can get that protein on board first thing.

My most frustrating symptom this week has been acid reflux. There are days when it is quite painful and I am not a fan! Taking papaya enzymes has helped a little with this. Next on my list of things to try is an over-the-counter medicine.

I have been HOT this week. I overheat very easily and rarely wear a hoodie or sweater at work anymore. I prefer to sleep with the window open and often don't put covers on until the wee hours of the morning.

Baby is EXTREMELY active now! She moves a lot all the time and sometimes even keeps me awake for long periods at night.

(Note for myself: my nipples have started leaking this week.)

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